about me

Reds!I’m Faith and welcome to my cozy little corner! I’m a 30-something educator, renovator, wife, only child and caretaker of a single parent, foodie, & welllness gal. I’m married to the beau, love Jesus, my framily, life, dark chocolate, coffee & red wine. Currently learning that just about anything can be made better by sharing time around the table with those you love and that God’s grace truly covers all. Leaning hard into 1 Timothy 6:6: “A devout life…is the rich simplicity of being yourself before God”

In October of 2009, I married my best friend and teammate (affectionately known around here as The Beau) and we reside in the beautiful Bluegrass of Central Kentucky.

This space has taken on several different versions of itself over it’s years but currently it’s a place where I explore life, faith, health, balance and calling. It’s a space for my love of writing to thrive.

I love coffee, the color red, fixing up an old house, cheering on the Georgia Bulldogs in the fall and the Kentucky Wildcats in the winter and spring, eating outdoors, using technology to work smarter, not harder, breakfast with my beau, college students, traditions, homemade and antique things, anything or anyone with a story.

So that’s the short version. You can check out the extended version here.  Feel free to also explore my professional journey, a bit more about my personal life, my hobbies and interests, dive deeper into my thoughts and get a view from my vantage point. 


Faith Nicole

~developer. empathy. connectedness, maximizer, futuristic~


3 thoughts on “about me

  1. Pingback: Welcome!!! « pliable

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